
Royal Order

Step into a captivating world teeming with intrigue, betrayal, and the delicate dance of power in Royal Order. This LGBT+ survival Raising Simulation, set within the opulent backdrop of a high-fantasy royal court, intertwines RPG elements for an immersive experience. Can you navigate the treacherous waters of courtly life while ensuring the survival and prosperity of the main characters?

The Rise of the Sval

The once-peaceful continent of Igrith quakes beneath the relentless assault of the Sval, fearsome pirates hailing from the distant north. In response to this dire threat, three kingdoms forge an alliance to establish the Royal Order, seeking aid from the formidable High Council of magicians. However, as tensions escalate between the realms and the relentless raids of the pirates persist, the fate of the entire realm hangs precariously in the balance.

Embrace the mantle of Aarya, the newest addition to the esteemed High Council, and assume leadership of the Royal Order. Can you stem the tide of the Sval's plundering while deftly navigating the intricate web of political machinations? With customizable protagonists, opportunities for romantic entanglements, and a plethora of possible outcomes, each decision you make will reverberate throughout the annals of history. But beware – in this unforgiving game of power and diplomacy, peril lurks around every corner.


  • Customizable Protagonist: Tailor your character's appearance, pronouns, and name to reflect your unique identity.
  • Romantic Love Interests: Engage with three captivating love interests, including two male and one female option, each with their own compelling storylines.
  • Stats-Raising Systems: Cultivate your skills and personality traits through two distinct systems, shaping your character's capabilities and interactions.
  • Time Management & Quest System: Navigate through 60 in-game weeks, balancing your duties as a member of the High Council with the demands of the kingdom and personal pursuits.
  • Multiple Endings: Discover eight distinct conclusions, each influenced by the choices you make and the alliances you forge.
  • ...And Many Deaths!: Embark on your journey with a touch of humor, where even failure brings amusement and enlightenment.

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